
Wanna hangout?

​So, what’s this whole going out thing?
Where do these ‘lets go out and have fun people’ go and have fun at?

Well, hookah parlours, pubs and lounges is where most of the people go nowadays.
Most people started off as going to malls, multiplexes, friends houses, watching movies with friends, clicking selfies and then eating together and leaving. Their parents, drivers or friends would drop them and pick them on time. They’d get excited to go home and upload their selfies later, on their newly created Facebook accounts.

But now, people go to these grown up places by getting them self a fake ID and go to booze and smoke. The time never seems to end for them. They while away the time and just get lost in this so called ‘cool place’ and it never seems enough for them.

Where’s the fun here? Getting lost and not knowing yourself is fun for you?
Before, you had a life.
Now you are just another trying to be “cool” kind of a person and are so bored.
v Why are you ‪#‎bored‬? If you are bored of yourself, how would anyone find you interesting? You are bored so you are going to watch movies and then the TV series and then go out.

Don’t get influenced by your peer group to try that sip of alcohol. Don’t try to fit in.
Go ahead if you like it, but it’ll harm.
‪#‎standout‬ ‪#‎standupforyourself‬

Try something creative. Ask yourself what was fun back then and it could be refreshing if you try it now.
Find your skills and talents hidden.
Don’t day we don’t have any. Then you’re just underestimating yourself.