
Do you care?

​Why do you say nobody cares?
First let me ask you, do you?
Global warming issues, water crisis, rights and duties, equality of sexes, racism, etc.
You have your own opinions about it. You speak against the current method of how things are going on, about the change and voice various opinions. But the question is, have you done your bit?

The last time I saw my friend throw a Starbucks cup on the road, I told her to pick it up. She refused saying it’s okay now.
You know what? It is okay now, what about later?
I told her to keep it clean and lectured her and she did pick it up with utmost disgust. She said I was just keeping my surroundings clean i.e. my car.

A few minutes later we parked on the side to go to a friend’s house. She complained about how dirty that area is and she got her lesson.

I didn’t say a word.