
Chennai Floods

​A lot of natural calamities have occurred in the past and still to come: Floods, earthquakes and other calamities.

Are they a punishment of the sins we do on this Earth or the bad treatment that we give to our planet? Is the powerful Force that controls the Earth that cruel?

But, can we do anything about this?

The Army and Rescuers shed blood and sweat for us. But, are they the only people who should be doing that? Aren’t we brave enough to fight mentally, if not physically.

Haven’t you ever seen children? Do they ever say they can’t do something?

When they go and pull their mother’s ‘pallu‘ while she is cooking. So, they just stand there and ask her if they can make rotis with her. Isn’t that help? Doesn’t their mom feel all happy and enthusiastic with her child’s company?

The child ends up making different shapes of rotis and the mother puts it on the ‘tawa’.

Where has the innocence vanished?

We could always help at our level, if not out of our way.

The Chennai floods have caused a great damage.

Ceṉṉai pirārttaṉai.
