Beef Ban
I feel that cow slaughter should be banned. I am talking about cow because that’s being highlighted right now. I feel other animals must have equal rights as well and there should be a ban on their slaughter as well. Killing tigers will put you into punishment, then even cow slaughter should be considered.
When slaughter of any sort is considered a crime, why not cow slaughter (for those against the ban) ?
It’s not about the religion that should start a ban. It should be decided rationally.
Then why not chicken? Somebody told me that if you don’t kill the chicken or other cattle, then the earth will be crowded with them. But, it’s not the case, because, cattle require place to breed, hay to serve and loads of water to wash meat. If they lived on their own, it wouldn’t be the case, they would be in forests (let’s talk about forest discussion some other day) and be killed by wild animals, who are their natural predators. I’ve read some statistics about how the food cycle would be balanced if all the humans were vegetarian. Maybe in ancient time it was okay to kill animals for food. But, now we are civilized and not nomads.
#opinion #thoughts #vegetarianism #cowslaughter #ban